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Please join us for the upcoming 全球 Scholars Lecture:  "Hermeneutic Challenges and 的ological Perspectives" on April 6th. This hybrid event will occur in Devlin 101 at 4:30pm or viewable on Zoom. 请访问完整时间表的链接. 



的 offices of 全球 Engagement and 全球 Education invite you to explore the new blog and podcast sharing the experiences of BC Eagles traveling abroad.


飞向新高度 podcast details the vast global experiences of 太阳城网赌平台 students, staff, faculty, and alumni.


Recognition for Work by the Organization of Catholic Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean

Dr. Hans de Wit was recognized by ODUCAL for his contributions to the internationalization of Catholic higher education in the region, during the second seminar on the internationalization of ODUCAL where he gave a keynote.


的 Organization of Catholic Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (ODUCAL) recognizes Dr. Hans de Wit for his outstanding career in promoting meaningful collaboration and the internationalization of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as for encouraging research and studies on internationalization in the context of education Catholic superior in the region.


的 Center for International Higher Education invites you to join them for "Alternative models of higher education" featuring Nhlanhla Thwala, 大学教务长 非洲领导力大学 和乌迪·曼德尔 & Kelly Teamey Ecoversities联盟 4月26日下午2:30 - 3:30. 本次活动是CIHE月度网络研讨会系列的一部分.


的re will be an in-person seminar in April as a return to the CIHE 访问ing Scholar Seminar" series. 第一位演讲者是约拿·奥托, Doctoral candidate of Universität Augsburg (Germany) and Junior 访问ing Scholar. "Examining the Dynamics of International Higher Education in International Relations and Diplomacy" will be Tuesday, 4月12日下午12:30 - 1:30在Campion 306.

Realities and Challenges for the Accompaniment of Migrants and Refugees in Latin America and the Caribbean

 This three day seminar is sponsored by the Institute for the Liberal Arts at 太阳城网赌平台, 太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院, 人权与国际司法中心, 以及全球参与办公室. Realities and Challenges for the Accompaniment of Migrants and Refugees in Latin America and the Caribbean is a seminar series that discusses the findings of a research project sponsored by the Jesuit Network with Migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean.

三天以上, 这些研讨会将讨论与多样性有关的主题, 包容, and Accompaniment of Migrants and Refugees in Latin America; this includes the relationship between Policy and Practices of Accompaniment in Latin American countries; and the need for interdisciplinary approaches to develop accompaniment practices with migrants and refugees. 点击上面的链接了解更多活动细节.


After two years, the ALC Showdown has returned to 太阳城网赌平台. 的 largest annual student dance competition is hosted by the AHANA+ Leadership Council with the goal of promoting diversity and cultural awareness through dance. 


利用现代心理测量学 & 方便评估的科技 & 学习

Jimmy de la Torre is a Professor of the Human Communication, 发展, and Information Sciences Unit of the 教师 of Education at the University of Hong Kong, a Chair Professor at the National Taichung University of Education in Taiwan, and an Honorary Professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain. 


的 Lynch School Speaker Series has invited Jimmy de la Torre to speak in a hybrid talk on Monday, 美国东部时间4月4日12:00 - 1:30. His primary research interests are in the field of educational and psychological testing and measurement, 特别强调项目反应理论, 认知诊断建模, and the use of assessment to inform instruction and learning. 在Campion 139或Zoom中观看此事件. 详情在按钮.

的 人权和国际司法中心 will be hosting two exciting events in April. 点击下面的链接了解更多信息.


的 人权和国际司法中心 invites you to a screening of the documentary film La Lucha Sigue (的 Struggle Continues) with special guest commentary from Grassroots International staff who have worked directly with the groups in Honduras featured in the film. 的 film runtime is 96 minutes and can be viewed on Tuesday, April 12th at 5:00 pm in Champion 139.

书说, A种族灭绝之后:卢旺达的记忆与和解

妮可·福克斯博士.D. is a professor of criminal justice at California State University Sacramento where she teaches about atrocity crimes, 大规模监禁, 全球犯罪学和法律. Her research centers on how racial and ethnic contention impacts communities, including how remembrances of adversity shape social change, 集体记忆与当今社会运动. 福克斯的书A 种族灭绝之后:卢旺达的记忆与和解 investigates such questions through extensive interviews with survivors' decades after mass violence has ended. 后种族灭绝 reveals the relationship survivors have to memorial spaces and uncovers those voices silenced by the dominant narrative. Hear about the book on April 7th from 12:00 to 1:30 pm EST in Campion 139.


当你与国外的合作伙伴制定计划时, consider utilizing the resources available for the 太阳城网赌平台 community on the 全球 Engagement Gateway:

Follow our 推特 for future opportunities to engage with our partner schools and their events!
